Produced for every type of loading and weighing purposes Esit's M1 class weights are available in various shapes and sizes,M1 weights ahave nomınal values starting from 1grams to 1000 kilograms.The M1 weights can be used for research,industrial or measurement needs.
Industrial Metrology
The M1 weights are used for calibration and adjustments of the weighing systems in the industry,the weights can be used with systems with different standards. The M1 weights are produced and tested with high precision scales to ensure measurement accuracy. Esits M1 weights are all guaranteed with Türkak Calibration Certificate.
Legal metrology
Esit's M1 class weights are suitable for verifications of all kinds of class III industrial scales and vehicle scales which are subjected to legal control;to initial or periodic verification under 90/384 AT Non Automatic Weighing Instruments Directive and Turkish Law (No: 3516)of Measurements and adjustment.
Scientific metrology
Esit's weights are also suitable for usage of test and calibration laboratories.Esit M1 weights are produced in accordance with the technical requirements recommended in OIML R111. They can be used as standart weights for calibration of class II and III weighing istruments and class M2 weights. Certificates of the weights which are calibrated by Esit Calibration Laboratory, makes the calibration that you performed using these weights, traceable to the national standards which realizes the unit of measurement according to the International System of Units (SI).
Available Models:
Type | Nominal Value |
MC-500 | 500 kg |
MC-1000 | 1000 kg |
- Industrial Metrology
- Legal metroloy
- Scientific metrology