PU Model Palette Scales

PU Model Palette Scales


Esit PU platform scales facilitate weighing of the palettes carried by transpalette weighers or forklifts during loading, discharging and stacking operations in the warehouses. The four-load cell, U-shaped platform moves on wheels, which makes it easier to relocate. The vehicle can be weighed without having to be lifted up on the scale.

Produced with capacities of 1500 and 3000 kg, Esit PU platform scales are available in steel, galvanized coated steel and stainless steel types.

They are standardly bundled with Esit ART indicators. Different indicator options are also available for operations to be carried out in humid places or in the presence of flammable and/or explosive materials.


  • Stainless steel
  • Waterproof load cells in IP68 protection class
  • Double-display indicator
  • Alphabetic character entry
  • Capability to define 7 headings
  • Capability to define 100 data fields under one heading and 10 data fields under the other headings
  • 9 different and storable settings for piece counting
  • 9 different and storable settings pricing
  • Reporting
  • Changeable units
  • Various language options
  • Automatic and multiple taring
  • Printer output
  • Computer output
  • Remote display output
  • Date and time display
  • CE approval


  • PL Platform Scales


Water-proof, stainless steel indicator  Water-proof, stainless steel indicator
Ex-proof indicator and Ex-proof load cell  Ex-proof indicator and Ex-proof load cell
Remote display  Remote display
Control outputs  Control outputs
Indicator column  Indicator column